Threshold, video artwork by Rebecca Belmore, John Grzinich, Jake Klein Waller, Didier Morelli, Stefan St-Laurent, Jaan Toomik, and D’Arcy Wilson

Tuesday, February 16, 2015 @ 7 PM

Responding to Hannah Arendt’s notion of a human desire to estrange oneself from the overwhelming elementary force of nature, Calgary-based artist Tomas Jonsson has curated a selection of videos that destabilize the terms of our interface with non-human animals and uncultivated surroundings.

In a one-night screening in Connexion ARC’s main space, Threshold will present seven performance-based video artworks.

Threshold is the fourth iteration of Screening of Performance Art in the Natural Environment (SPANE), a video festival organized by Norway-based performance artist Johannes Deimling, guest-curated by Tomas Jonsson, and first screened for Mountain Standard Time Performative Art Festival.

Please Feed the Animals (2012)
Stefan St. Laurent

Float (2014)
Jake Klein-Waller

Private Perimeter (2013)
Rebecca Belmore

Mutopia 7: Coal Mound (2012)
John Grzinich

Gravitational Pull of My Head (2013)
Didier Morelli

Tuck (2012)
D’arcy Wilson

Dancing with Dad (2003)
Jaan Toomik

The screening will be preceded by a conversation with artist-in-residence Jake Klein Waller, and is supported by a project grant from the City of Fredericton.

PHOTO: Emilio Portal, video still from Rebecca Belmore “Private Perimeter” (2013) “Private Perimeter” was commissioned by Musagetes​, working in partnership with the Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario​ in Sudbury, Ontario​.

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