Crit Sesh this Wednesday!

Image: Crumpled paper background with baby blue paint swipe in the middle with black bold font that reads, “Crit” and white bold font that reads,”Night”.

Crit Sesh begins this year with the first one of 2021 on February 3 at 6:30pm

Crit Nights are back! Come as you are on Zoom with your works in progress, nascent ideas, or interest in seeing what your peers are up to. These low-key peer feedback sessions are a chance to connect with your community and develop your projects.

Critique makes us all better artists. Being with other artists helps get us out of our own heads and studios. Crit Nights are for talking with artists about art.

  • Demystify the process
  • Invite curiosity and connection 
  • Build community amongst artists
  • Gain experience giving and receiving constructive feedback
  • Venue for sharing
  • Crit Night and all Connexion events are inclusive, and welcome all people

How to prepare for crit night:

  • Bring work to share (show and tell!) or not
  • Have questions about your work for your peers
  • Download the Zoom app
  • Find a quiet space
  • Consider bringing a glass of wine

Once things get rolling

  • Feel free to ask questions (there are no stupid questions at Crit Night!)
  • Everyone will have a turn to share 
  • Be mindful of the allotted time each artist
  • Be respectful of each artist. We meet people where they are at. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 7671 8959
Passcode: 765968

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