Connexion ARC in Fredericton would like to invite all members, friends and community partners to its Annual General Meeting on May 1, 2018 at 6:30 pm at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre Auditorium. Reception to follow.
We will report to our members on the activities of the past year, our objectives for the coming year, and our new space. Join us to hear about exciting new developments and upcoming opportunities for members of Connexion ARC.
We will also be taking nominations from our members for the election of Board Directors. In order to vote, or nominate members at the AGM you will need to hold a current Connexion ARC Membership. Memberships can be obtained at the AGM or online at
Following the AGM, a reception will be held for a members show on view at Connexion ARC. The members show opens on April 7th, and will feature multidisciplinary works from our local community of artists. The show will be on view until May 6th.
Save the date! Connexion ARC’s Annual General Meeting, May 1st, 2018, 6:30 pm at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre in Fredericton.

Accessibility Notes:
The CSAC Auditorium is located on the 2nd floor and Connexion is located in room 129 & 130. Both are fully accessible via elevator from the new ground floor entrance located on the right side of the building, approaching from Charlotte Street. There is an all-genders, wheelchair accessible washroom on site, located on the second floor, and two sets of gendered washrooms, each equipped with a wheelchair accessible stall, located on the first and second floors. Please call (506) 478-4484 or email if you require assistance or have any questions.
Call for Board Directors
Connexion ARC in Fredericton’s Executive Committee is seeking nominations to the Board of Directors from our members. We are seeking qualified candidates to play a role in the stewardship of our organization at a key time in the development of our centre as we transition to our new space.
Qualified candidates will have the skill sets, experience, and resources necessary to assist us in the sustainable, transparent, and efficient governance of the sole artist-run centre in Fredericton, established in 1984. Connexion ARC’s Board of Directors meets on a monthly basis. Our Board of Directors consists of local artists and art appreciators, and represents the interests of the Fredericton contemporary arts community.
Interested candidates should contact the Executive Committee by submitting a letter of intent along with a CV/Resume through our general email:
We look forward to hearing from you!
Connexion ARC respectfully acknowledges the land on which we operate as the traditional unceded territory of the Wolastoqiyik/Wəlastəkwiyik (Maliseet) and Mi’kmaq Peoples. This territory is covered by the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” which Wolastoqiyik/Wəlastəkwiyik (Maliseet) and Mi’kmaq Peoples first signed with the British crown in 1726. The treaties did not deal with surrender of lands and resources but in fact recognized Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik/Wəlastəkwiyik (Maliseet) title and established the rules for what was to be an ongoing relationship between nations.